Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Free Day in the City

Adam and Drew on the steps up to the Dome of the Rock

Temple Mount and Dome of the Rock

Woman begging in the Armenian Quarter of the Old City

Jacey, Rob, Katie, Kori, Sam and Matt at the Dome of the Rock

Military demonstration at the Kotel (Western Wall) for Memorial Day

Nice little European wedgie for your enjoyment, he was in front of us at the Western Wall

Who doesn't love a little Obama/Osama shirt? 

Sign for the Dome of the Rock and Lion's Gate in the Old City

Me, Jennifer, Erica, Joan and Jess at the Rampart's Walk around the Old City


  1. Holy COW! These pictures are incredible, Lauren!
    I love seeing your Jerusalem clothes. I feel like everyone who goes to Jerusalem dresses really cool. Yep, love it.

  2. These are so amazing! I want to go someday haha. And goodness. A couple of guys in your group are cute :)
